Depends on what you mean by OOP. But overall I think OOP remains hugely influential but its more controversial and radical features have fallen out of fashion.
The general idea of bundling data definitions with code that operates on the corresponding data seems to mesh well with how most people think and remains hugely popular. Encapsulation has proven useful. Runtime polymorphism is very useful in a proper context and all the languages that you list have some support for it, although this support is not taken to the extreme - e.g. it may be more useful to think of the number 42 as a value rather than as an Object. The most controversial feature is inheritance - deep inheritance hierarchies have proven problematic so new languages discourage it or provide limited support.
Another trend is that ideas from e.g. FP have also entered mainstream and there is an expectation that new languages will provide support for useful features associated with other paradigms so most new languages can be described as multiparadigm rather than strictly OOP.
The general idea of bundling data definitions with code that operates on the corresponding data seems to mesh well with how most people think and remains hugely popular. Encapsulation has proven useful. Runtime polymorphism is very useful in a proper context and all the languages that you list have some support for it, although this support is not taken to the extreme - e.g. it may be more useful to think of the number 42 as a value rather than as an Object. The most controversial feature is inheritance - deep inheritance hierarchies have proven problematic so new languages discourage it or provide limited support.
Another trend is that ideas from e.g. FP have also entered mainstream and there is an expectation that new languages will provide support for useful features associated with other paradigms so most new languages can be described as multiparadigm rather than strictly OOP.