You did not present any new information. You made a claim that is not supported by the science.
Nobody is arguing that we aren't learning more about weight and nutrition, but that doesn't mean we ignore science for personal anecdotes that are likely untrue.
Except you're still further proving my point. Instead of expressing that you wish to learn about the science, you just quote decades old bad science that never really was true.
In a way, its sorta like how flat earthers and anti-vaxers work, you're just part of a third type that denies nutrition science. I did exactly what I said I did, and so have many other people, and what you're engaging in is an odd form of fat shaming (seeing as I'm not fat anymore, but used to be; and lost my weight entirely by following the science where it lead me).
Nobody is arguing that we aren't learning more about weight and nutrition, but that doesn't mean we ignore science for personal anecdotes that are likely untrue.