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Exits for Two More Y Combinator Startups, Movity and Etacts (xconomy.com)
26 points by andujo on Dec 22, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 12 comments

The word "exit" has totally changed its meaning over the last 6 months.

If someone is smart enough to figure a EULA that guarantees end-users that the site can't shutdown in such "exits", I'm interested.

how so?

It used to mean 'acquired company, including userbase, products, revenue streams etc'.

Now it means 'hired team and shutdown previous company'.

I think it's always just meant 'liquidity'.

Yes, used to be called "liquidity event".

I respectfully disagree. Exits have always had the potential to go that way..

The phrase "Exit, pursued by a bear" seems strangely appropriate

Congrats to them. Corporate debt is currently dirt cheap, I expect we'll see a lot more exits rolling through in the coming year, if for no other reason. (The teams are good too, obviously).

Don't forget Motorola acquiring Zecter.

And cloudkick.

anyone know or have good estimate of Movity's exit price?

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