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My experience is if you watch videos on a given topic, they try to show you more of the same topic. So they probably decided you like American cable news.

It can get frustrating when it only recommends a single topic. I might go through a phase where I want to see videos about something specific. The recommendation algorithm will re-enforce that and prevent me from moving on to something else. I found that if I make some effort to watch a lot of videos about other topics, they appear. You can also manually edit your viewing history.

The trouble is that they often take viewing a video as a sign that you’re obsessed with that topic. You click one Flat Earth video to see what the crazy sounds like, and for the next three months half of your recommendations are “Scientists don’t want you to know this!”

I would rather that it would just play the next video by the current channel in reverse chron. Maybe if a channel made multiple videos in the last 24 hours, play that and then play other stuff. Instead, it immediately moves me to cable news if I am watching anything political, even though I never watch cable news voluntarily.

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