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> harder if you have kids.

Bea Johnson's family of four produces less than a mason jar of trash per year. https://www.youtube.com/user/ZeroWasteHome

Not speaking to atoav in particular, but it's tempting to make excuses why we don't do what others do that we want to but aren't. If we look for role models instead of excuses, we motivate ourselves to reach more of our potential.

In her case, reducing the waste seems to have brought her family together more. It doesn't seem to be a burden, just a one-time shift.

Skipped randomly into that video and she was going through an apple bin to find the apples that had stickers already fallen off so she didn't have to be the one who threw it away...

Man, this topic really brings out the normally hidden mommyblog capacity of HN. Everyone with their weird anecdotes and misinformed two cents. Someone in these comments said they were 340lbs on 2,000 calories per day, etc, etc. I can't stop reading.

> It doesn't seem to be a burden, just a one-time shift.

That zero waste thing seems to be her job now.

Bea Johnson wastes a lot of jet fuel, which likely dwarfs everything else she does with her lifestyle.

I have other role models for not flying, though mostly I'm motivated by how much avoiding flying has improved my life, now in my fourth year. http://www.inc.com/joshua-spodek/365-days-without-flying.htm...

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