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I want something with EEG sensing like the Zeo, but which talks all night to my computer, vs. having to download to an SD card. Then, based on if anyone has added morning meetings to my schedule, or traffic is heavy, or flights are delayed, it wakes me up gently by increasing ambient lighting in the room, temperature, music etc. If I don't wake up, it can become increasingl insistent, and most importantly, if I go back to sleep without getting up, it can escalate.

Or, get a pet which expects to be fed in the morning.

First part of this you can do with the Zeo - They have programming API's that allow you to use a port on the Zeo for real-time data access. The rest of your requirements are up to you to provide!

Whoa. Thank you so much -- I didn't realize the Zeo could actually talk to anything in real time.

I've done most of the other parts several times; maybe I should make a packaged service in January. There are probably plenty of people with macs, maybe with big TVs attached, in bedrooms, with Internet access; adding the Zeo and some kind of computer-controlled lighting (optional) isn't much to ask.

Unfortunately having to mess with a serial port is so 1995. I wonder if anyone will make a simple serial to bluetooth dongle so the whole thing can be done from an iphone/ipad, or if it will end up with serial to usb to PC.

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