Ghostwriters. They are such a norm that I wouldn't take any wealthy author on their word about them. Some call them them "assistants" or "editors" but the reality is that, if you can afford it, there is nothing stopping anyone from hiring a team to do the actual writing. And we all accept it.
See "The Art of the Deal". He says he wrote it. He genuinely believes he wrote it. Some people think talking to the ghostwriter, giving them the broad strokes and signing off on the final work, constitutes 'writing a book'. It is not that different than saying "I built a hotel".
> Goodreads Author Patti Roberts would like to know if you work with a ghostwriter.
> DS: It's a shocking question. I've been asked by my fans, "Who writes your books? Does someone help you?" And I said something to my editor not long ago, "It's so insulting that people would even say that." She said, "Yeah, but you are one of the few authors left who doesn't use somebody." There is a very, very famous best-selling author who has apparently eight writers. He writes the outlines, gives them chapters to write, and doesn't write his own books—I was so shocked. And there is not just one. I don't know if the public knows that or not. Maybe I'm the last idiot on the planet, up until 4:30 in the morning typing my own work. It's just incredible. Then you are not a writer; you are some sort of scriptwriter. Nobody writes my stuff. I find it a shocking concept. It's different if a celebrity wants to write their memoirs, and they have no writing ability. OK, then they use a ghostwriter. Otherwise it's like becoming a tennis pro and having a stunt double. What's the point of that?
She's also well known for her decades-long habit of spending 20 hours a day working on a book.