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how did they spectacularly screw up? honestly asking.

Neglected their core product by chasing different features that decreased the allure of their core product that continues to rot away.

Code quality of the service they were offering: It's improved a little recently but search is still bad, the shared document function was very buggy and made material disappear. General bugs and niggles in past.

> search is still bad

Search is hard. Google has the benefit of getting a lot of training data. Corporate intranet search, searching your documents, etc. has to actually figure out relevancy and can't infer it from having already served that query thousands of times in the last day.

This is the problem Slack solved, their search is pretty good

Disclaimer: I worked there for 2 years

Phil Libin was more concerned about stroking his ego and turning the company into a lifestyle brand like apple than actually improving the product.

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