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This is the kind of thing that drove me away from frontend development a few years back. I explicitly ignored the learn-the-javascript-framework-du-jour attitudes.

On a project where I was doing frontend work, I just tried to think about the semantics of html elements and http requests, and reason my way through the tasks from first principles. I really enjoyed doing that actually, and don't regret it. But it didn't teach me angular which is what the frontend people at that company were using at the time, or probably any of the other ones.

I hope to venture into frontend land again, because I think it's a valuable skillset, but I hope the next time I do things will have settled into something a bit more sane. When I find a layer of a technology stack that seems to have been misused or misunderstood, my tendency has been to stop at that point and dive into a rabbit hole trying to understand what is going wrong and how to fix it.

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