The people who say "No Scaling" mean that they want to use screen to fit more things. It is not state of mind about past pixels, but about how much stuff you can fit on the screen. how many lines of code. How many sidebars in your utilities, etc.
People who say "Scaling" are a different breed. Some like it because for them smoother fonts are more readable. To others, scaling presents ability map physical dimensions to screen.
Saying this, I agree that OS and software has to support alternative scalings, and ability to make things larger or smaller. I wish we could just pinch zoom apps on Windows and Linux.
People have different preferences for how big items on the screen should be.
But everyone will take more DPI if you offer it.
Nobody is actually for or against scaling itself. It only becomes a question of scaling or not if you artificially lock in a screen beforehand, and that screen is in a certain DPI range. If you used a same-size 8k screen you'd have basically nobody calling for "no scaling", instead you'd have arguments like 2x vs. 3x vs. 4x.
Exactly... if my 42" was 8K instead of 4K, I'd probably just go 2x and live at that. I do like the slightly smoother fonts, but really like effectively 4x what a 1080p native display at 1x gives, without borders/lines etc.
People who say "Scaling" are a different breed. Some like it because for them smoother fonts are more readable. To others, scaling presents ability map physical dimensions to screen.
Saying this, I agree that OS and software has to support alternative scalings, and ability to make things larger or smaller. I wish we could just pinch zoom apps on Windows and Linux.