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Sun Microsystems’ Pioneering Co-Founder Gives A Rare Interview (mixergy.com)
64 points by shawndumas on Dec 21, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

The interesting takeaway I took from this which I loved was his gorilla marketing strategy.

Basically it goes like this, attack your competitors, wind them up in the press as a form of advertising. This creates enormous attention for nothing (people actually read editorial and skip the ads) and often you need an adversary to make something newsworthy.

Be ethical but let the industry know there is battle on and you're fighting for your life, but fight on safe ground!

This is the method I personally used with some success in my former business which was also an electronic hardware, design and manufacturing company. With very little funds for marketing I had to be creative, we made impressive DPS adverts and coupled these with side stories which were often gossip over industry turf wars or other antics I would get up too.

I'm still unclear on what this has to do with gorillas.

Amazing! Serious props to Andrew Warner for setting this up. Going to watch it as soon as I get a chance.

It's a shame that most of this interview was derailed into a political conversation.

not really as someone who's been in the ring, the same points resonated with me. The experience you are left with is that which will shape your world view and future actions.

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