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Not to discount, but I'm sure you benefit from buying in bulk as well. We are a family of 5, about as efficient with food costs ($250/week) (yet, also our preschoolers are still quite picky eaters).

I'm just enjoying your comments. Sounds like you're doing a lot of things right. Right on!

It depends what you mean by "bulk".

I buy normal packages from a normal supermarket. I try to buy a bit extra when there is a sale, but I only have two refrigerators and a chest freezer. What is "bulk" to most people can be eaten in a week. I might empty the supermarket's supply of sliced cheddar cheese when it goes on sale, grabbing 10 pounds of it, but we'll have that eaten within a week or two. Sometimes I'll grab all the extra-large packages of ground beef or an entire display box full of canned herring. We go through 2 gallons of milk per day. There just isn't any way to really stock up on things without more storage space, and I'd have to find a store that wouldn't run out of things when I go shopping.

Maybe I should see about having Sysco trucks deliver food. :-)

By bulk I mean the quantities not usually offered in grocery stores. Club-card-style outlets, basically. Of course; that's another trip, and a membership fee, and they don't always have everything you need like a typical grocery store will.

For us, it's always a struggle with waffles (And there's only 5 of us). If everyone eats two waffles in the morning (which happens 98% of the time) that's 10 waffles a day. Hardly anyone carries 48-counts so we end up grabbing as many 24-count boxes as we can and usually have to make another run by Sunday evening. Maybe when the kids get older we could switch to a waffle iron.

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