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One that I like is commonly branded TTGO, a search for "esp32 ttgo" or "esp32 oled battery" will turn up some options.

This is a link to the exact one I bought since you asked: https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/283082902927 (not actually branded TTGO, it's a clone)

Why you might like it:

- it has an OLED screen on the board for debugging and status output

- it has a battery holder and charging circuitry for an 18650 on the back of the board for portable powering/"UPS"

- it breaks out all the GPIO lines onto pins

Why you might not like it:

- like many esp32 dev boards it's slightly too fat to go straight into a standard breadboard. You have to join two breadboards to get access to both rows of pins.

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