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Adding to your list:

- Swift: C# like productivity, compiles to native code, however mostly constrained to Apple platforms

- Eiffel: RAD tooling, uses JIT for development, compiles to native code via C and C++ compilers for deployment, mostly constrained to enterprises that value correction above all and are willing to pay its prices

- Delphi: One of the best RAD tooling still around, with compilation to native code, while allowing all the low level stuff from C and C++; Mostly safe, suffers from manual memory management. Borland mismanagement placed it as enterprise devtool. You can use Lazarus/FreePascal as alternative

- Ada/SPARK. Compiles to native. Also enjoys fast compilations. For devs and companies that care about code quality. Besides GNAT all the remaining implementations have enterprise level prices

Ada has always been intriguing to me. Is it used much anywhere these days?

Avionics, trains, oil rigs, basically everything where human life's are at stake, deemed as High Integrity Computing.

Only 4 languages apply, Java with Real Time extensions, C and C++ with certification processes like MISRA and AUTOSAR among others, and Ada/SPARK.

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