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Because it's not as simple as you think to do that. I'd have left permanently long ago. I have lived abroad a few times but could never get legitimized because of my wrecked health and life collapsing interrupting the process each time. You cannot just go swap your passport and be done with it. I'd have signed up for that program in a snap. My quality of life was measurably better in Europe. I hate that every time this topic comes up the nationalistic egos come out. You can like America and think it's amazing without trying to argue down anyone who does not. It's not a threat to your identity if someone criticizes this country or doesn't find it the "greatest in the world".

Not trying to be nationalist. Just it seems to be a bit odd for people to say life in the US is atrocious, so much they'd end their lives, yet do not seem willing to take the somewhat less drastic option of moving to another country.

My sincere apologies if I ascribed intent to you that wasn't there. Your comment is the sort of thing nationalistic egoists say all the time and I am self admittedly extremely sensitive to this because of how much the topic has affected my life.

The confusion many have comes from not understanding how complicated it is to immigrate even in the best conditions. It's the same sort of idea people in the US use against immigrants here claiming "they can just do it legally". You cannot just "move" to another country because you want to. There are legal, financial, situational requirements that must be met and it's not something just anyone can up and do. Quite often those who want to move to other countries the most due to ideological or quality of life reasons are the least able to legally as a result of their experiences in their home nations. I lost my health and financial security due to for-profit healthcare. Then the adversarial and broken social security system denied me help. There is no social safety net here and opportunity to rebuild once you are crushed. So with that in mind I'd LOVE to immigrate but cannot meet the requirements because of what was taken from me. I have tried and worsening conditions as a result of the above derailed the process. You have no protection until you are legitimized and/or attain citizenship. To add insult to injury did you know that the USA is the only country that CHARGES a fee to give up your citizenship? It was nearly $3000 last time I checked and increases based on assets. Also one of the only that taxes it's citizens' income earned abroad. I'd happily exit this place and never look back were it an option.

Whoa, did not realize it cost so much to renounce citizenship!

Definitely not representative of the Lockian free association of commonwealths that US was founded on!

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