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Those rates to not appear to be normalized to account for the proportional differences across ethnicities. Based on the 2010 census, ~75% of the population identifies as white[1]. Based on that, the white suicide rate appears to be lower than their minority counterparts. From the link in the GP, based on 2017 numbers:

  White: 38%
  Native American: 31%
  Asian/Pacific Islander: 16%
  Black/African American: 15%
The Native American number is the most striking to me because, again, from the 2010 census, only 0.9% of respondents identified as Native American[1]. Perhaps that number is also including Latinos?

[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Race_and_ethnicity_in_the_Unit...

That chart is already in Deaths per 100,000 people, so it does indeed show the white and Native American suicide rates to be significantly higher than black and Asian rates.

More precisely, it is deaths per 100,000 people from the target group. I think the parent is interpreting it as "suicides by white people per 100,000 people in the general population", when it is actually "suicides per 100,000 white people."

Correct, but it is not normalized to account for population differences. The white suicide rate is ~2.5x higher than the black suicide rate, but there are ~5.75x more white people than black people in the US. Therefore, normalizing for population proportion, the black suicide rate is more than twice that of their white counterparts.

> The white suicide rate is ~2.5x higher than the black suicide rate, but there are ~5.75x more white people than black people in the US. Therefore, normalizing for population proportion, the black suicide rate is more than twice that of their white counterparts.

No, the population share has already been taken into account. You may have mistaken those numbers to be percentages of total suicides and then compared them to percentages of the population. They aren't, they are deaths by suicide per 100,000 people. You don't need to know anything about the sizes of the groups involved to compare those numbers, and the rate doesn't change. 100 suicides per million people is 10/100,000, just as 1000 per ten million or 10000 per one hundred million.

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