I am an "expert" in static type systems (I'm familiar with Java, Scala, OCaml, Haskell, Rust, Go, TypeScript, C++ ... and keep up to date with latest type systems research like 1ML, MLsub, Liquid Haskell, ...), but I have a really hard time imagining how one would develop a statically typed library that would even approximate the usefulness and convenience (for rapid prototyping and interactive data analysis) of Python's Pandas (although if I was a betting man, I'd wager the best language to implement it in would be Scala, with it's advanced macros & almost-dependent type system).
I am an "expert" in static type systems (I'm familiar with Java, Scala, OCaml, Haskell, Rust, Go, TypeScript, C++ ... and keep up to date with latest type systems research like 1ML, MLsub, Liquid Haskell, ...), but I have a really hard time imagining how one would develop a statically typed library that would even approximate the usefulness and convenience (for rapid prototyping and interactive data analysis) of Python's Pandas (although if I was a betting man, I'd wager the best language to implement it in would be Scala, with it's advanced macros & almost-dependent type system).