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Building blocks of a scalable webcrawler. (marc-seeger.de)
80 points by 0x44 on Dec 19, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 29 comments

IIRC, sriramk from around here (http://news.ycombinator.com/user?id=sriramk) had also 'rolled his own' web-crawler as a project in college about 5-6 (?) years back. He blogged about it fairly actively back then, and I really enjoyed following his journey (esp. when after months of dev and testing, he finally 'slipped it into the wild'). Tried to dredge up those posts, but he seems to have taken them down :( A shame really - they were quite a fascinating look at the early-stage evolution of a programmer!

Sriram, you around? ;)

Thanks but mine was definitely a toy. I think I got it to around 100K pages or so but that's about it (seemed like a big deal back then).

You can see some of those posts here (http://web.archive.org/web/20041206230457/www.dotnetjunkies....). Quite embarrassing to see the quality of my output from back then

Basically, I did the following

- Pull down dmoz.org's datasets (not sure whether I crawled it or whether they had a dump - I think the latter) - Spin up crawlers (implemented in C# at the time) on various machines, writing to a central repo. The actual design of the crawler was based on Mercator (check out the paper on citeseer) - Use Lucene to construct TF.IDF indices on top of the repository - Throw up a nice UI (with the search engine name spelled out in a Google-like font). The funny part is that this probably impressed the people evaluating the project more than anything else.

I did do some cool hacks around showing a better snippet than Google did at the time but I just didn't have the networking bandwidth to do anything serious. Fun for a college project.

The funny thing is a startup which is involved in search contacted me a few weeks ago precisely because of this project. I had to tell that person how much of a toy it was :)

Do you remember how fast the "toy" was? (pages/second, domains/s, ...) :)

Not really but given the terrible hardware/network connectivity , wouldnt have made much sense now.

Because of this thread, I looked through my old backups and I actually still have the code. Should get it working again sometime

are you gonna put up your code ?

It would be interesting to see how to think through building a crawler (as opposed to downloading Nutch and trying to grok it)

Uh, look what the cat dragged in: my thesis :)

Hope some of you enjoy the read, I'm open for comments and criticism

I'm guessing English isn't your primary language. There are numerous typos and grammatical errors throughout the document. Spellcheck would catch about 90% of them as they aren't project names. The grammar errors might be more difficult since you are getting the right wordstem and you're getting words that are close.

It also seems like 2/3 of the way through, you started templating your answers and reviews and didn't do as thorough an analysis of the competitive solutions.

The thesis does demonstrate that you know and understand the technology but I don't get the sense you have an in-depth understanding of what was done. While the results suggest the project was successful, it seems more like you were an observer, validating decisions. It also seems you don't agree the decisions made were the correct ones based on some of the underlying tones.

Still, there is a lot of great information in there, presented very well. You might consider submitting it to highscalability.com.

Would you implement the current structure the same way after writing your thesis?

Thank you for the feedback!

Typos: Yeah, I'm German. Could you just point out some of the errors (2-3), that would help me to look for them harder next time :)

Lack of detail towards the end: The thesis was written after most of the project was done and I wanted to give people new to the field an introduction to the tools I used and the problems I encountered. All of this was an actual internship project and the ability to use it as my thesis was just a nice "addon".

That's probably why you (rightfully) noticed that some of the competitive solutions (e.g. graph databases) might have not gotten the level of detail and research they deserved. It was a balance between delivering a working product and putting the thesis on a theoretically sound basis while moving to another country :)

In general, I'd re-implement it more or less the same way. I would probably do one or more of the following things:

- take a look at how Riak search turned out

- switch from MySQL to Postgres

- Think about another way of determining popularity than incoming links (can get problematic when trying to recrawl sites... you'd have to keep track of all of the domains that link to a certain site. Maybe graph databases would be a good solution for this problem)

- start with coding EVERYTHING in an asynchronous manner. Maybe use em-synchrony (https://github.com/igrigorik/em-synchrony)

- write more tests (the more the better)

things I remember: postgressql, defiantly (you meant definitely), you used deduct rather than deduce. Several typos were obvious typos that spellcheck would find. Double keys, letters swapped, etc.

Writing async from the start is worlds easier than refactoring. Had you been there at the start, I'm thinking your thesis may have taken a much different approach. It looks like you understand scalability, but, every day there's a new product to evaluate. :) Good luck with it.

Very timely and interesting. I am currently looking for a crawler that tightly integrated with Drupal and that can be easily managed through Drupal nodes. Any suggestions on a solution for a small site that only needs to handle thousands of pages/urls?

I don't really know what the "managed through Drupal nodes" means in this context. For a simple drupal fulltext search I can recommend apache solr ( http://drupal.org/project/apachesolr ).

For regular crawling:

I found anemone ( http://anemone.rubyforge.org/ ) to be a lovely framework for single page crawls.

Other interesting candidates:



http://nutch.apache.org/ (meh, java)

scrapy (http://scrapy.org/) is a well-documented and open source python scraping framework that I've used in a couple of projects.

Indeed, seems like a great framework.

Considering the timespan of the project, I had to rely on something I'm pretty ok at (Ruby), but I remember hitting a lot of posts about scrapy on the way

Excellent to have this up. I'm glad that you made it available. I'm doing web crawling w/ Drupal, so always interesting to see how others are doing it.

great paper. You mentioned that you would have considered Riak if it had search. Now that it does, if you did this again would you use seriously consider using it instead?

The crawler currently runs on a single large EC2 instance. I could see myself trying to use a bunch of EC2 micro instances instead and then use Riak + Riak Search.

I actually tried putting a dump of the data into Riak and it seemed to hold up pretty well on my macbook.

Another problem was the fact that Riak didn't allow me to do server-side increments on the "incoming links" counter which mysql, mongodb or redis allowed. However, I think that this is something that could be solved using Redis as a caching layer.

I have to admit that I would love to use Riak for something just because it seems to be a really slick piece of software, so it's hard to stay objective :)

I like Ted Dziuba solution:


Full-stack programmer at work!

I loved his approach too, but if you want to end up with something that you can search freely for properties it gets a little tiresome with just bash and *nix tools :)

A good read and very timely from my perspective. We created a crawler in Python a couple of years ago for RSS feeds, but we ran into a number of issues with it, so put it on hold as we concentrated on work that made money :) We started to look at the project last week and we've been looking at rolling our own versus looking at frameworks like Scrapy. The main thing for us is being able to scale. Anyone who has knowledge of creating a distributed crawler in Python I'd welcome some advice.

Thanks again. Really good post

After having written the thesis and thought about that stuff for another few weeks, my résumé would be:

- Use asynchronous I/O to maximize single-node speed (twisted should be a good choice for python). It might be strange in the beginning, but it usually makes up for it, especially with languages that aren't good at threading (ruby, python, ...).

- Redis is awesome! Fast, functional, beautiful :)

- Riak seems to be a great distributed datastore if you really have to scale over multiple nodes.

- Solr or Sphinx are just better optimized than most datastores when it comes to fulltext-search

- Take a day to look at graph databases (I'm still not 100% sure if I could have used one for my use cases)

Thanks for the tips! I really appreciate it. I'll check these out. All getting very exciting for my Christmas project!

If you are just doing RSS feeds I would say go it yourself. Armed with Feedparser (http://feedparser.org/) you can implement what you want pretty quickly.

For both http://www.searchforphp.com/ and http://www.searchforpython.com/ I wrote my own RSS reader. To make it scale out I just used Pythons multiprocessing to parse it out to 50 or so concurrent downloads. I can tear through thousands or feeds pretty quickly that way. The next step to multiple machines is just throw in a queue system and get a list of feeds from it.

Pretty simple stuff really.

I'm having good luck using node.js's httpClient and vertex.js for crawl state / persistence.

Oh, node.js is definitely a great direction to go!

One of my problems was that a lot of the "usual" libraries are written in a synchronous/blocking manner behind the scenes. This is something that the node.js ecosystem would probably solve right from the start.

The downside of a relatively new library like httpClient is, that it is missing things like automatically following redirects. While this can be implemented in the crawler code, it complicates things.

How big are the datasets that vertex.js/tokyo cabinet is able to handle for you?

Node.js is on the list of things I'd like to play with a bit more (just like Scala, Erlang, graph databases, mirah, ...). Is your crawler's source code available by any chance?

My dataset is still small, but you can scale a single TC db to nearly arbitrary size (8EB). It can also write millions of kv pairs / second.

Vertex.js can't quite keep up with TC as its written in javascript. However, it does let you batch writes into logical transactions, which you can use to get fairly high throughput.

The source isn't open as its fairly specific to my app, http://luciebot.com/. I'd be happy to chat about the details without releasing the source. richcollins@gmail.com / richcollins on freenode.

Be sure to check out this post: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1051847/why-does-tokyo-ty...

I did some experimentation with tokyo* and experienced that slowdown myself. I just didn't want to disable journaling in the end...

Thanks -- I've seen that. I'm just going to make frequent backups and hope that lack of journaling doesn't bite me in the ass o_O

Can someone please explain what FPGA-aware garbage collection is?

Straight from the man himself: http://buytaert.net/files/fpl05-paper.pdf


—During codesign of a system, one still runs into the impedance mismatch between the software and hardware worlds. This paper identies the different levels of abstraction of hardware and software as a major culprit of this mismatch. For example, when programming in high-level object-oriented languages like Java, one has disposal of objects, methods, memory management, that facilitates development but these have to be largely . . . abandoned when moving the same functionality into hardware. As a solution, this paper presents a virtual machine, based on the Jikes Research Virtual Machine, that is able to bridge the gap by providing the same capabilities to hardware components as to software components. This seamless integration is achieved by introducing an architecture and protocol that allow recongurable hardware and software to communicate with each other in a transparent manner i.e. no component of the design needs to be aware whether other components are implemented in hardware or in software. Further, in this paper we present a novel technique that allows recongurable hardware to manage dynamically allocated memory. This is achieved by allowing the hardware to hold references to objects and by modifying the garbage collector of the virtual machine to be aware of these references in hardware. We present benchmark results that show, for four different, well- known garbage collectors and for a wide range of applications, that a hardware-aware garbage collector results in a marginal overhead and is therefore a worthwhile addition to the developer's toolbox.

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