IN the US there are multiple government programs that are suppose to Track GIS data including Roads, however like with all things government it is very expensive, inefficient, and of low to poor accuracy.
There are entire teams of people in the OpenStreetMaps project dedicated to fixing the inaccuracies of these government databases
This is why google spends m/billions having people physically drive the roads and walk around cities (and to get live photos)
I never really understand why people want government to take over things, in the history of government there is never been a well run, properly executed, highly efficient service. Government by it very nature is incapable of producing good services
The CDC does a fantastic job keeping tabs on diseases. The FAA has made air travel ridiculously safe. NOAA and NASA produce accurate forecasts of weather and tides. The National Parks are gems. GPS is absolutely amazing.
OpenStreetMap imported a bunch of US data while Census was in the middle of a project to improve the quality of their data. The stuff that had been improved is pretty good. The stuff that hadn't been improved isn't tracking the current version of the government data, it's from 2007 or whatever.
There are entire teams of people in the OpenStreetMaps project dedicated to fixing the inaccuracies of these government databases
This is why google spends m/billions having people physically drive the roads and walk around cities (and to get live photos)
I never really understand why people want government to take over things, in the history of government there is never been a well run, properly executed, highly efficient service. Government by it very nature is incapable of producing good services