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The Radeon 5700 and 5700 XT are supposed to be competitive with the RTX 2060 and RTX 2070 at slightly lower prices. Only reference cards right now, but things might be looking up once OEMs have a chance to put better coolers on instead of AMD's reference blower.

I'm planning to hold out for next gen when they get ray tracing hardware to be a bit more future proof (my GTX 970's not dead yet), but since I'm thinking of trading my Wintendo out for a Mac + eGPU setup it's nice to see that AMD could actually be a good GPU option now.

Those were just announced this week, so keep an eye out for 3rd party benchmarks soon.

Will probably pull the trigger on a Radeon VII myself, only because of the better Linux drivers, and possibility of hackintosh usage. At least for my current system, I did a mid-cycle upgrade for the GPU (GTX 1080) and added NVME a couple years ago. Still running 4790K on 32gb ram, and does great for most stuff, but not so much for encoding or dev work (couple dbs and services in background).

Sadly they both appear to have a total board power 50W higher than NVIDIA's comparable model(s), so NVIDIA might still win out on power. But we'll have to wait for third-party benchmarks to confirm that.

The new Radeons are still worse in power/performance though.

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