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You'd probably really appreciate this comedy sketch video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKorP55Aqvg

Clients don't know what they want and don't know how to describe what they do want.

That doesn't mean they're wrong.

Actual experts get to the root of what they need, and find ways to solve the requirements, even when they seem impossible.

Mandatory response viewing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7MIJP90biM

That’s definitely a clever way to meet all the stated requirements, but in no way does it attempt to get to the root of the real user requirements.

Which, of course, involves talking to actual users.

> That doesn't mean they're wrong.

Perhaps not, but it does make it substantially more difficult to be right.

That's even more amazing.

This is amazing! Thank you

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