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Here's your periodic reminder that IPFS is a distribution mechanism, and not a storage mechanism. It doesn't persist anything. It's like a more granular BitTorrent, and not really a filesystem at all.

This can be very useful in certain situations and projects! But it means that it is not a replacement for a centrally-hosted website... and the IPFS site does a very poor job of conveying this limitation.

(I can't take Filecoin seriously as a 'solution' here either - as far as I can tell, it suffers from the exact same problem as every 'blockchain-backed storage system' I've seen before... it's unable to reliably verify that some peer is actually storing data, without a local copy to verify against.)

> it's unable to reliably verify that some peer is actually storing data, without a local copy to verify against.

Filecoin can actually do this. I'm planning on doing a blog post about how this works soon (in all that copius free time), but a good summary is here: https://github.com/filecoin-project/specs/issues/155

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