You are correct, however, it is commonly accepted that sensory stimuli is the primary function of this nerve bundle. One thing I think everyone agrees on is that, the amygdala is responsible for most social learning processes;fear and anger being a few of those learning experiences.
>After this point, neither the concrete definition as to the extent of the amygdala is not clear, nor is the exact function of each of its subgroups. In the amygdala region alone, there is much controversy surrounding the nuclear subgroups, resulting in classifications that range between 5 and 22 different groups within the amygdala itself.
>After this point, neither the concrete definition as to the extent of the amygdala is not clear, nor is the exact function of each of its subgroups. In the amygdala region alone, there is much controversy surrounding the nuclear subgroups, resulting in classifications that range between 5 and 22 different groups within the amygdala itself.
"The Role of the Amygdala in Fear and Panic".