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> Former Delta Airlines CEO, Richard Anderson, now runs Amtrak. He said the new Acela is "incredibly important" to the future of the company.

> "It really lays out a clear vision for what short haul, inter-city passenger rail transportation can do for this country. And this country is going to need it in more and more corridors because millennials don't want to drive and you cannot add enough lane miles for 100 million more people," Anderson said.

I was in a bind the other day and needed to travel ~30 miles between two midwest cities (on the Texas Eagle train). Grandmother drove to hospital, I drove her and her car home, and then grabbed an Amtrak ticket (on Amtrak.com, excellent purchase UX) back to the hospital to get my car; total cost was $8.50 and I didn't even need to present my ticket to the conductor at boarding, just my last name. National treasure.

Do trains have an uphill battle in car and air travel centric America? Most definitely. But the value is there, and this article explains why that value should be nurtured and grown.

>Do trains have an uphill battle in car and air travel centric America? Most definitely

Figuratively and literally (because trains have a much harder time going uphill than cars)

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