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How much of it is hype though? Tencent invested $150 million into Reddit but all I read on FP are Hong Kong demonstrations and Tank Man.

The idea is that successful message control will be subtle to imperceptible at first, but through successive actions it will just become commonplace to "not diss China".

If Reddit is the "forum of the internet" then it won't matter if it slowly erodes into a Fox News like media presence. It will exert the gravity over other forums through its "reasonability" on non-sensitive topics.

Kind of like how most modern politicians don't say anything bad about Israel.

The shift can influence on easy a admin/mod will ban certain thread and comments if content "diss China". Again, like how the action of Israel is rarely (never) mentioned by politician.

There was a time when r/politics was generally about the US politics. Now it's been almost only "Trump is bad" content for several years.

Incidentally, Trump is the strongest "be wary of China" voice in US politics.

To be fair Trump doesn't inspire the "freshness" neither the fairness of his POV.

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