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I can confirm it's also true for web articles:

  mysql> desc articles; 
  | Field        | Type          | 
  | id           | int(11)       | 
  | kicker       | varchar(255)  | 
  | body         | longtext      | 
  | headline     | varchar(255)  | 
  | sub_headline | text          | 
  | teaser       | text          |
We used to have varchar(255) for sub_headline as with headline. A few years ago I caught a ticket to turn it into a text type (65 KiB). SEO was the motive. If we ever get a request to make it longtext (4 GiB) I may cry.

It isn't 191 characters?!?! https://github.com/rails/rails/issues/9855#issuecomment-2887... https://github.com/rails/rails/issues/30305

Kidding. I have used 191 as a length because of that though. :)

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