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It's well known that movie rankings do. This was key to the resolution of


The time series of reviews of movies like




tend to have many early bad reviews by mainstream people who can't get past things that they find squicky and the lack of the usual "Hollywood Happy Ending" but that get better reviews from "true fans" later on who enjoy the fact that the directors tried to make something different even if it was flawed.

A quick Google shows a few sites that keep history of IMDB ratings. Unfortunately they seem to concentrate on movies actually in the IMDB 250

Some interesting ones:

Avatar - http://top250.info/movie/?0499549

Se7en - http://top250.info/movie/?0114369

Heat - http://top250.info/movie/?0113277

Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens http://top250.info/movie/?2488496

Terminator 2 - http://top250.info/movie/?0103064

Note: There seems to be a big shifts in movie ranks in May 2005 and July 2012, probably due to a change in the ranking formula.

Interestingly, the opposite of what happened with Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

Casual fans and critics loved the subversion of genre tropes, story roles, character archetypes, and plot points.

"true fans" reviled that the direction align with their vision for the franchise, and it sounds like Episode 9 will be a return to the comfortable and familiar.

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