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Google Body Browser (googlelabs.com)
195 points by Uncle_Sam on Dec 16, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 60 comments

This looks awesome and runs fast on my quad core system using chrome 9.

I got carried away dragging and zooming around but missed one thing. The search box is really powerful. You can locate each and every organ using it. I can imagine this being incredibly useful for medical students etc.

Good job Google.

Runs fast on my Core 2 Duo too. You can enable "GPU Accelerated Compositing" in about:flags.

Wow. Gpu acceleration works wonderfully on the Nvidia Linux Binary driver. 9800GT stock

The typical high-Cpu usage dropped like a rock.

Does Chrome not hardware accelerate by default? Firefox certainly does - super smooth.

Am I crazy or does "heart" not come up in the search? I mean, I'm quite sure I can find it on my own, but...

Also I don't have the greatest video card so the auto-search is really irritating.

You're not crazy. They just listed the parts of the heart separately. Look for the atrium and the ventricles.

Isn't it a bit prudish not to fully expose the skin? It's not much better than a Barbie doll. And where's Ken?

I think it's a bit smart to leave it out until the attention is on the next shiny thing and the prudes have moved on.

Is it bad to be prudish?

What's the upside of fully exposing the skin? I don't think skin exploration is the goal of this project, and this way they aren't alienating part of their audience.

I'm pretty sure Grey's Anatomy (the book, not the show!) doesn't draw clothing over the figures...

For stuff like this, why not serve up the JavaScript unminified? It seems like the perfect kind of project to learn from.

From brief code inspection, it looks like this project uses ThreeD library:


Here are other examples from Google using ThreeD which are not minified:


You know what I would like? Google for my house. As in, I get a set of rfid tags that I can put on my keys, my remote, checkbook, or whatever. In the event I can't find something, I have a little device I can use to track down the missing item.

This is so cool. Very well done. A feature request would be to add layering for muscles: I can't pick out the hip rotators and Piriformis. Ditto for Transversus abdominis.

The model doesn't seem to be totally complete. Some organs are not there yet. Inner ear, for example.

This is interesting in terms of its potential. However, right now this is really the bare minimum implementable unit of functionality and is a little too limited to be of practical use in teaching anatomy.

Features I'd like to see: 1. Arrows from the labels to the anatomical structure so you can tell which label refers to which structure without having to interactively click each label to highlight the structure. 2. I assume they've built their 3D model from the publicly available Visible Human Project data. It would be nice to be able to flip through axial, coronal, and sagittal stacks of the Visible Human images and see the image plane superimposed on the 3D view for localization and have anatomical structures labeled on the cross sectional images as well. It would also be nice to be able to select which cross sectional imaging modality is displayed (Visible Human has MRI, CT, and photographed cryosections).

Works great on latest chrome beta 64bit linux, GPU Accelerated Compositing, nvidia card, core 2 duo.

Uses negligible amount of CPU and seems as fluid as a local OpenGL application. The other webgl examples from http://googlecode.blogspot.com/2010/12/webgl-now-in-beta-her... work pretty well too, although the "previous page" button doesn't seem to work properly, so I have to close the tab.

I have nothing insightful to say but I am in awe.

It's nice to see webgl being added to the Chrome beta, no more downloading Chromium and having to open it with cli options.

Doesn't work on the newest Chrome?

I think you'll need the beta. Version 9+. I needed to install it separately, I had the latest chrome v 8.XX

you need to enable WebGL in about:flags in Chrome 8.0.552.224


Works great for me on Chromium 9.0.572, Ubuntu 10.10, Macbook Pro 3,1. 3d accel helps.

Really, really slow on chromium 9.0.6 (fedora14 dual core system). Unusably slow.

What OpenGL hardware and drivers are you using?

As a friend pointed out, that's my problem :) I'm using the nouveau driver on a dual head GeForce 9500 GT. So I don't have any acceleration at all.

Even though Google has a consistent color theme in all of its interfaces, I strongly believe that black background here would make it much more usable. Pretty awesome though!

It's a little risque in the latest webkit nightly build, osx.

Windows 7 Google Chrome beta.. check AMD 6 core.. check GeForce 210.. check

Im getting: To use Body Browser, you'll need a Web browser with WebGL support.

what am I missing?

That is odd, I'm not sure. I know you said Beta channel, but what version number are you running? It needs to be >9.0 for WebGL to be on by default.

If you could file a bug at http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/list with the contents of your about:gpu page, we'll do our best to figure it out.

nm, restart had not completed to update from version 7 to version 9.

ah, glad to hear it!

When will Google learn that 2-finger scrolling on OS X is not meant for zooming?

this runs a little slow on my mac, anyone else having issues?

Also, what are those things on her nipples? You can see it clearly when the opacity of everything is set to 0 except for a slight opaqueness of the body.

Yes I know what mammary glands are. Now why would they be shown under the body (skin, clothing) tag?

Completely unusable on my Macbook. It's a 4 year old machine though and not a Pro.

Are you running 10.5 or 10.6? Performance will be slow for large windows on 10.5

Yeah I'm on a 10.5. Why would it be slower depending on window size?

Because Chrome has a multiprocess rendering architecture, and OS 10.5 doesn't provide a good path for hardware-accelerated rendering across processes. This means Chrome on 10.5 has to render each frame on the GPU, read it back to main memory as an image and then repaint it to the screen elsewhere. The bigger the window, the bigger the image and the longer this readback/copy takes.


Netter, we hardly knew ye.

they definitely need to work on more sophisticated dissections, and Netter would be a GREAT start!

so i guess it's just iso-surface extraction under the hood

does this use websocket?

Works wonderfully in FF 4b7. It's a pretty simple model and I'm on a high end machine, so that isn't all that incredible (like a side-scrolling canvas demo), but it's neat.

I have the exact opposite experience actually in FF 4b7, and though I'm not running some crazy awesome machine, its still a decent box. The page basically crashes the browser.

Can you paste the Graphics section on the about:support page?

Adapter Description: NVIDIA Quadro NVS 295

Vendor ID: 10de

Device ID: 06fd

Adapter RAM: 256

Adapter Drivers: nvd3dumx,nvwgf2umx,nvwgf2umx nvd3dum,nvwgf2um,nvwgf2um

Driver Version:

Driver Date: 7-14-2009

Direct2D Enabled: true

DirectWrite Enabled: true

GPU Accelerated Windows: 1/1 Direct3D 10

Running on windows 7, Xeon quad core 3.20 GHZ, 6 Gig ram

What OS, and what GPU?

Can we leave the novelty accounts to Reddit, please?

Huh. I thought this was something completely different. I thought this was a robot to help cross-references submissions about the same topic, and find duplicates that the built-in dup detector doesn't find. As such, I thought it would be valuable.

If it's a bot, I can see the value in it. It would be better as a built-in feature, but nevertheless it makes sense. I just hope that it doesn't inspire less useful accounts which would be more akin to Reddit's novelty accounts.

I think he thinks you're just using DupDetector as a cute name while you post this stuff.

Are you asking him to change the account name, or stop detecting dupes?

Odd that you got downvoted for this when under your normal account you usually get upvoted...

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