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Running a project for three years alone on the side takes a lot of discipline. So often we become 'passionate' about some projects and quickly abandon them once the initial excitement wears off. Congratulations to the author!

Eerily, I have also been building a Markdown note-taking app alone for 2 years [0]. It is also e2e encrypted, but compared to Inkdrop, needs more work on the UI. But it works perfectly as a CLI.

- [0] https://github.com/dnote/dnote

> I have also been building a Markdown note-taking app alone for 2 years

So have I: https://github.com/cabalamat/catwiki

> quickly abandon them once the initial excitement wears off

I use CatWiki for all my notes so keep tweaking it.

We're proud of you too.

> Running a project for three years alone on the side takes a lot of discipline.

My congratulations!

I could not agree more! I also worked on a Markdown editor for many years (in my case 5). But, the unique perspective I take at this was requiring that much time. In my case, it is really an editor for developers that know their Web stack... Stylo[0] supports styling the Markdown using CSS, live. It allows to do things such as highlighting tagged text parts that we want to concentrate on among other things. Only for Mac though as I also am an independent developer and want to concentrate on features that actually matters for producing texts.

It took me every bit of discipline I had, and it continues...

[0]: https://www.textually.net

It helps to be working on something you want to exist and use every day. You've already validated your product/market fit at that point, even if your market only consists of 1 person.

MacOS only.

SavedYouAClick :)

It works on linux too -- I just downloaded it to test it out.

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