Sounds like three people have way too much time on their hands. That, or they are fascinated with the rich set of corroborative tools, (as rudimentary they may be4 for animation) in Google Docs.
I think it's art, and applaud them for it. Reminds me of Brian Eno's (supposed) definition of originality: do something that's so time consuming or difficult that no one else would ever bother.
They're going to be very handsomely rewarded for that in 2011. A firm that suddenly discovered it needed a new marketing campaign at short notice would need to spend $20k to get this level of quality at short notice, perhaps more. These guys should start looking for an office rental.
Maybe, but it has very little to do with the fact that they did it in google docs and everything to do with being skilled animators. If they are skilled with motion graphics, why wouldn't they also charge the $20k market rate that you are quoting? Being talented != explosive startup
Oh, that's what I meant - but a million a year will do a few hard-working guys nice to get started with. Tortoise, hare etc. - explosive growth isn't the only viable strategy.