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That was one of the central theses of David Graeber's famous "bullshit jobs" essay, which is now a book (haven't read yet.) Keynes et al. predicted declining work hours. Graeber says not only do most people barely work during their 40 hours, many entire jobs or entire departments are basically... well, bullshit.

Sounds like just the sort of thing that 'lean startups' push back against.

I though Startups where all about working people to death

I always assumed startups were about sticking

    CREATE TABLE widgets (
      id SERIAL,
    CREATE INDEX widgets_idx_id ON widgets (id);
into migrations/42-add_widgets.sql, tapping Melissa[0] on the shoulder and asking her to review it, then SSHing into staging and executing it, all in the space of about twenty minutes with zero paperwork other than a PR.

[0] Melissa is not real

Melissa is real to me dammit

I think they demand the focused work at similar hours, which is very mentally drowning for very many people.


I'm afraid I don't know specifics, but the lean startups 'movement' emphasises efficiency.

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