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But it is Swift, which (at the risk of stating the obvious) QML is not. And you can't write an entire app in QML.

There's something to be said for being able to use one language for all things.

Well, you can almost surely write entire apps in QML if you take the C++ entrypoint for granted.

Just a couple examples: you can do Bluetooth discovery scans in QML without writing any C++ [1], you can read from ~20 sensors without writing any C++ [2], you can write complete 3D scenes declaratively in QML [3], and the list goes on.

[1] https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qml-qtbluetooth-bluetoothdiscoverymod...

[2] https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtsensors-qmlmodule.html

[3] https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qt3d-wireframe-example.html

> But it is Swift, which (at the risk of stating the obvious) QML is not.

sure, and I agree that Swift has some better features and a better foundantion than JS on which QML is based upon

> And you can't write an entire app in QML.

This however is not true. I've worked on multiple pure QML apps so far (well, if you don't count the auto-generated main.cpp). Remember that you have access to a complete ES7 JS engine which allows for a lot of stuff.

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