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Google Cloud is the number 4 most monitored status page on StatusGator and Google Apps is number 12. In addition, at least 20 other services we monitor seemingly depend on Google Cloud because they all posted issues as soon as Google went down.

It's always interesting to see these outages at large cloud providers spider out across the rest of the internet, a lot of the world depends on Google to stay up.

This feels like 80's.

When the mainframe is down terminals are useless.

Yep. The cloud is just a lot of cheap hardware acting together as a shitty mainframe.

Server hardware is actually quite expensive. End users "smart" phones are cheap hardware, running dumb software which renders them as terminals for the cloud. That's sad because smartphone hardware is quite capable of doing useful work.

(For instance, I have a 500GB MicroSD card in my phone which contains a copy of my OwnCloud)

"a lot of the world depends on Google to stay up."

Yup, I'm trying to check the Associated Press News right now and it's having trouble connecting to "storage.googleapis.com".

I guess we know what steam uses (the store at least).

I don't know about Steam, but I know Apple must use Google Cloud: https://www.apple.com/support/systemstatus/

Less than 1% of users are affected

Is there any reason to presume these statuses are correlated?

Apple's issue is

> Users may be experiencing slower than normal performance with this service.

I'm just assuming they are because it's been previously reported that Apple uses GCP (and also AWS).


Could be the only users who were affected were ones caught right in the failover between redundant clouds

Guess they don't eat their own dog food; no racks of proprietary Apple servers anywhere (unless they somehow run Darwin images in Google Cloud)

Can't tell if you know the answer to your own question and just can't talk about it due to NDA...

Apple runs Linux on the vast majority of the servers behind their cloud offerings.

No issues for me. Maybe they have a failover mechanism?

yeah, maybe it was coincidence. seems to be back up for me as well: https://steamstat.us

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