163. I speak to 4 of them more than once each month.
"Is there real, concrete, value in thousands of peripherally connections or is it just another trend — another flash in the pan?"
I think the key word here is 'connections' - there's only going to be real, concrete value in real, concrete connections - the fact that I have Michael Arrington as a 'Facebook Friend' doesn't mean squat.
The final question is mine - How many Friends do you Want?
"Is there real, concrete, value in thousands of peripherally connections or is it just another trend — another flash in the pan?"
I think the key word here is 'connections' - there's only going to be real, concrete value in real, concrete connections - the fact that I have Michael Arrington as a 'Facebook Friend' doesn't mean squat.
The final question is mine - How many Friends do you Want?