There has! This could be a great approach - eg. a network of folks committed to supporting users in this manner could operate IPFS nodes that re-pin the encrypted keys.
We are also thinking about offline ways to share the key such that the centralized side is not required - eg. a QR code displayed on one device and scanned by another to propagate the wallet. This creates a problem if a user loses all of their devices though.
I'm part of the team that develops the Embark Framework and it would be awesome to rehash our decentralized Reddit tutorial using a fully decentralized Hedgehog.
As for the QR code getting lost, that's a good point, but the user could always be encouraged to make a physical copy and keep it in a desk drawer, and/or store it electronically somewhere else (e.g. Dropbox or 1Password) "just in case".
Maybe hit us up via GitHub or Gitter or Twitter if/when Hedgehog provides a fully decentralized option/s (as discussed above). At that point I think the Embark team would be really excited to leverage it in a new or refreshed tutorial series.
Awesome job! I love that you are addressing the UI/UX challenges of non technical users. Have you considered some type of integration with Keybase's social proofs and paper seed QR code for cross signing and revoking keys? I'm part of a research cohort hosting a month long series of workshops and hackathons on making emerging Web3 capabilities more accessible, at NYU ITP Camp in NYC in June. Perhaps we can play around with something. Will dive into the code for inspiration. Thanks for this great project!
We did not want to require use of Keybase to use our dapp Audius, though I could see it making a lot of sense to offer a keybase integration as a potential option.
FWIW, Audius still supports Metamask too - web3 is all about giving users choice from our perspective.
We are also thinking about offline ways to share the key such that the centralized side is not required - eg. a QR code displayed on one device and scanned by another to propagate the wallet. This creates a problem if a user loses all of their devices though.