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Show HN: Backordr – An honest ccTLD drop catching service (backordr.com)
2 points by traviswingo on May 28, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

Hi everyone! I built this project to fix a hole in the domain name industry that I’ve been victim of many times. Most drop catching services force you into public auctions and do shady things like auction off user domain names before they actually expire. I was tired of all the bs.

Backordr is focused 100% on registering a domain name for a user, and then we urge the user to transfer the domain name to their registrar as soon as they can. In addition, rather than public auctions, we use a silent auction system that’s both more fair, and keeps prices lower.

This market can be really shady, and I hope to eliminate the shadiness and simply provide a service that works well.

Please let me know what you think, and thanks for checking it out!

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