There should be no consequences for carrying out criminal activity across borders due to matters of jurisdiction?
International law is incredibly complicated. It's up to the countries involved to make the decision in addition to whether or not extradition makes sense. You don't have to agree with that but once again- what is your alternative?
> There should be no consequences for carrying out criminal activity across borders due to matters of jurisdiction?
In China it's against the law to publicly criticise the government. Should the US extradite people to China to face the penalties for violating that law?
The sad answer is that there are essentially only 3 sovereign countries left in the world. Legal reasoning only comes into play when making the justifications more plausible.
I think he should be in court while the accusers plead their case. Ellsberg beat the government in court afterall.
The only alternative is to abolish the courts and legal system and let people get a free pass since the system is not perfect.