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I hope you are kidding. But yes let’s worry about injection for even the simplest things. Maybe we should start with language injection where you write code and later on you inject a different language. That would be the ultimate maintainable system.

> language injection where you write code and later on you inject a different language.

I (still) work with a Classic ASP code base.

I kid you not, that there are VBScript functions, which call JScript (not JavaScript) functions, which in turn call VBScript functions.

It is a terrifying and glorious mess.


I also worked with a system at one time that used node.js to create C# files on the file system, then use the C# compiler to create an executable and then run it. It was... not great.

The funny thing is that these things may still have been the best solution for the problem within the available time. I have created some things that in hindsight were horrific but at the time they were the best that could be done.

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