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> First they introduce a Package Registry that not only splits the ecosystem in two parts but also has no open governance or even open source code.

GitHub's code has always been closed source. It's a service, not software. It's been like that since day one.

Exactly. Always been like that and probably will always be like that.

But still, we as open source developers, use and basically at this point, need to have GitHub still up and running. But they are at the whims of profit. GitHub is today a critical piece of open source infrastructure most of us rely on.

Microsoft say they care about open source developers and now they are running the biggest platform for open source developers. They have the chance to turn GitHub into something that is not a profit-hungry monster, but they don't seem to want to go that route.

Because Microsoft is a profit-hungry monster and their "adoption" of open source was the only way they could stay alive longer. It never had to do with doing what is good for humanity.

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