Car makers will get data they can use to simulate and test their self-driving cars.
But car makers will also get full GPS traces - showing where you live, where you work, where you shop and every time you speed. And they'll probably get what phone was seen on bluetooth, how many seats were occupied, and what radio station was listened to. All identifiable by vehicle, and very close to identifiable by driver.
Will they manage to make good use of the former, while avoiding the temptation to monetise the latter?
Of course, Google gets a bunch of data from Android users already, so one might very well argue most users aren't concerned about such things.
I saw an article here ages ago that stated researchers only needed very little driving data and they could identify the driver. So many hidden patterns in the way we break or accelerate they were able to with a high accuracy identify the drivers. I have no doubt cars can and do identify drivers.
Sometimes I've wondered if that data is also predictive of how you'll react in different situations or perhaps in a game like poker or stock trading. Maybe an AI can use it to tailor a pricing strategy just for you in not too distant future. that's near black mirror territory.
With occupant weight sensors in the seats, I bet they could pretty accurately identify the driver and passengers. Maybe our car will start sending us notes when we gain weight, reminding us that we haven't been seen at the gym location lately.
But car makers will also get full GPS traces - showing where you live, where you work, where you shop and every time you speed. And they'll probably get what phone was seen on bluetooth, how many seats were occupied, and what radio station was listened to. All identifiable by vehicle, and very close to identifiable by driver.
Will they manage to make good use of the former, while avoiding the temptation to monetise the latter?
Of course, Google gets a bunch of data from Android users already, so one might very well argue most users aren't concerned about such things.