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Emacs on a tablet PC with gestures (lispgamesdev.blogspot.com)
60 points by angrycoder on Dec 10, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

Hi, I made this video. I don't show it in the video but this is a Touchsmart TM2. The screen flips up and swivels 180 degrees to reveal a conventional laptop form factor with keyboard, so I mainly use emacs that way. However, gestures are still available above the keyboard when the screen is in that mode, and also emacs code reviews that i talk about could be interesting... I have a lot of other stuff planned, see http://lispgamesdev.blogspot.com/ for more.

This makes about as much sense as using command-line interface to drive a car.

I think it would be pretty sweet to run common emacs commands without contributing to RSI.

The editors I've seen for iOS all have issues with special characters so I had been really curious to see how the emac folks would deal with that. I was pretty disappointed when I found out they didn't.

The gestures were pretty cool anyway, though. From what I could tell, they seemed pretty intuitive, too.

I would be curious to see the usability of this when actually editing a buffer. Search-as-you-type would be a cool example.

"Because key chords weren't painful enough"

Anyone that doesn't rebind Emacs' awful key chords deserves all the RSI and carpal they get.

Slightly OT: anyone know of attempts to port emacs to android? If I had that and an attachable human-size keyboard, I could ditch my laptop for many purposes.

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