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> I don't know if this is a comprehensive source. Here's a poll where 70% of the respondents supported Medicare for all

The 70% don't understand that Medicare for all would kill off the private insurance industry.

A lot of people like the idea of a single-payer system but they never assume they would be forced to give up their current private insurance.

Tell people that their private insurance would go out of business or become restricted to very high net worth individuals, and then ask them how much they like Medicare for all. The polling numbers would drop like a rock. Everyone likes the idea of Medicare for all when it applies to other people but not to themselves.

Funny how none of this is the case in pretty much any single payer system - as far as I know Norway used to be the only democratic one where private insurance was outright unavailable, and that was because there used to be no way to legally provide it.

> The 70% don't understand that Medicare for all would kill off the private insurance industry.

Perhaps they do undestand and simply don't care? Why should they? Insurance is a parasitic industry.

> A lot of people like the idea of a single-payer system but they never assume they would be forced to give up their current private insurance.

That's kind of the point of public healthcare. So that regular people would not be forced to have private insurance.

> private insurance would go out of business

I don't know. If my 30M country with public healthcare can have players offering many different policies of medical insurance, surely your 300M country could work it out too.

The entire purpose of Medicare for All is replacing the need for private insurance. More people would have better coverage at a lower cost.

> The 70% don't understand that Medicare for all would kill off the private insurance industry.

objectively not true in countries with public insurance.

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