This is incorrect, the safety of HMAC-SHA1 doesn't have anything to do with input length comparisons. HMAC-SHA1 is still safe because of how an HMAC operates:
Among other operations, HMAC begins by taking the secret key, XOR'ing it with a magic value not under your control, and using this as the first block when calculating an initial hash. In order to guard against an unlikely but potential pathological key / magic value combination, a similar operation is performed as a second round using a different magic value, and this time operating over the hash output from the first round. As such, HMAC operations are safe against chosen prefix attacks against the underlying hash function, because the first block in either round of hashing is entirely outside of your control.
See for a visual reference. In this diagram, Y is the value being HMAC'ed. As you can see, any attack on the hash function which requires control of the prefix of the value being hashed is a non-starter.
It seems that checking both the hash and input length would be a very cheap way of identifying attempts at hash collisions.