I think OP's point is that many of the tools necessary for a totalitarian state are in place. The Stasi and NKVD would have loved tools like this. America once aspired to something other than "papers please".
Luckily, everyone wants their personal freedoms and few people want to take others’ freedoms away [1]. So, it comes down to our personal duty (or will) to oversee our government. Unfortunately, that’s hard to do electronically.
I hope my down-voters are very active in organizations that scrutinize our government. Otherwise, I see some hypocrisy.
[1] Sure, there are plenty of bad actors online. But, in a country of several hundred million, they’re still a fringe minority. (And, how many are state actors attempting to sow discord?)
I downvoted your initial post. I find it disingenous at best, and dangerous at worst, to suggest that increases in monitoring and govt. power are to thank for any trends in terrorist activity. (Not to mention factually incorrect, boston bomber was in 2015, just to name one)
It also ignores prior abuses of govt power entirely aside from terrorist threats, that might be fair reason alone to distrust the current mechanisms being applied.
I also donate regularly to the ACLU and EFF, and do what I can to impact local politics, although these issues don't come up as much there, so no need to expect hypocrisy just because people disagree with you. (And frankly, even if they aren't active in these organizations, I support anyone who desires scrutanization, even if only in spreading that zeitgeist online. A few people being the "Watchmen" is no substitute for a cultural awareness that govts. _require_ checks, balances, and a tight reign by the people.)
I completely agree. And, I have sincere respect for your efforts. I hope your actions motivate more to do the same.
I’m not blind to the issues. I am just happy that I was born into a country like the USA. I could have had much, much worse luck. And, even with all the blemishes and the frustration of slow processes, I stay motivated to keep this government going as it was designed. And, in my opinion, it’s actually a better country than a few hundred years ago. That gives me hope.
>and few people want to take other peoples’ freedoms away
Really? Even on HN there's certain freedoms that the majority wants curtailed. Reddit is a complete cesspool of pro-totalitarianism. Twitter is, well, Twitter.
> America once aspired to something other than "papers please".
If you're reading this, I highly recommend the game Papers Please[0]. It's not... fun per se, but it is engaging and very interesting. Definitely worth a try.