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> The point being made is that a properly funtioning nuclear power plant emits very little radiation when compared to a coal-powered plant.

Nobody is denying that or excluding the possibility to add coal plants to such a map. Excuse me for not adding a complete, prioritized list of features to my question. I find it disturbing that some people start insinuating "humorously" that someone is an "anti-vaxxer" because he's considering functionality for people who - for whatever reason - don't like living near nuclear plants. It's this kind of derailing that makes discussions on the Web unbearable sometimes...

Questioning superstition is important. What you are offended by is identical to what you would expect to experience were you to suggest that you want to avoid vaccines for 'whatever reason'. Leaving scientifically unsupported opinions unchallenged is irresponsible and I at least certainly don't feel like I've overstepped my bounds by challenging such an uninformed belief.

So, Chernobyl and Fukushima never happened on your planet, it's all superstition. Got it, let's leave it at that.

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