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> I never said that.

Understood. (: I was mostly going on a tangent there, where I was responding to the kind of comments my OG comment in this thread responded to.

> If you are powerful, because your people work hard and efficient, why do you have to invade other countries?

Perhaps because a country is funding terrorist attacks against you and/or preparing nuclear weapons or ICBMs to attack you with?

> Because they are a threat to your prosperity, because they don't sell you their ressources at a price you want?

I'm very against force retaliation for things that are not force initiation. That's not what I meant so perhaps I should elaborate, although it's a red herring away from my main point: what is included in acting like an empire is anything that expands a nation's influence and domination. That doesn't specify the use of force. So something like having trade wars with countries that refuse to stop ignoring copyright and subsidizing their own products in a dubious way, would be included in acting like an empire. And since those countries are leveraging state power to control the market, why shouldn't the US be allowed to retaliate in kind, since that's apparently OK?

(Side note: I don't think we should have started the trade wars, personally. I think it's an unfortunate circumstance for the economy. But I think doing that kind of thing, once again, is an inevitable necessity for a state because it has to prove it can't be taken advantage of).

> Note that many people think, that terrorism is the answer because their land was exploited.

I'm not exactly sure what you mean here.

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