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This movie keeps sounding better and better, I’m so annoyed that it didn’t show in any theatres in my hemisphere of the planet. It was pretty much a USA only release. I really want to see it, enough to fly across my country to see it, that’s a crazy day trip and a story to tell, but not enough to fly to the other side of the planet, return flights from Australia to the USA is a rather expensive trip for a movie, probably close to ten times the cost of my worst case, a cross country flight to Sydney.

I have the same thing with many, many filmfestival films. I'm glad that there are torrents for some of them, including Apollo 11. Would love to pay for streams of filmfestival films, but there aren't many.

For Apollo 11 thankfully, there are plenty of options here: https://www.uphe.com/movies/apollo-11-2019 Scroll down a bit to find the 'find out more' heading. I used the iTunes version.

I saw a trailer for Apollo 11 last night when I was at a rerun of First Man at a local cinema - the release date in the UK is 28th June so perhaps where you are also has a similar release date.

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