> You inserted the concept of spirituality in an attempt to take some kind of stance; that was never present.
Incorrect. Gratitude, along with other meditative practices, is a spiritual notion.
> You fabricated that
Fabricated what exactly? Quote the exact words I wrote.
> then complained when you were downvoted for being obtuse,
If what I wrote was obtuse, the intelligent response is to ask for clarification instead of emotionally lashing out onto me with downvotes, sarcasm and projections.
> and you keep complaining about lack of intelligent discourse
Indeed. Just for one example, where is intelligent discourse in your comment? Do you have anything to say directly in response to what I actually wrote? Instead you are just trying in vain to intuit what "stance" I take.
> while ignorantly hammering at a point that doesn't exist here.
What point is it that I am "ignorantly hammering"?
Would you please stop with this flamewar? You've posted 20 times in this thread already and taken it way beyond pale. HN isn't for this kind of thing, so please don't do it here again.
Edit: I had to warn you about this just two days ago. If you keep doing it we are going to have to ban you, so please review the site guidelines and don't do it again.
Look, just because a handful of commenters reacted in heated fashion to my comment does not make it a flamewar. Have you actually read this thread? You may want to reevaluate your moderation abilities.
I'm not going to compromise on my principles, so go ahead and ban me (I see that you have already put a posting limit on my account).
Incorrect. Gratitude, along with other meditative practices, is a spiritual notion.
> You fabricated that
Fabricated what exactly? Quote the exact words I wrote.
> then complained when you were downvoted for being obtuse,
If what I wrote was obtuse, the intelligent response is to ask for clarification instead of emotionally lashing out onto me with downvotes, sarcasm and projections.
> and you keep complaining about lack of intelligent discourse
Indeed. Just for one example, where is intelligent discourse in your comment? Do you have anything to say directly in response to what I actually wrote? Instead you are just trying in vain to intuit what "stance" I take.
> while ignorantly hammering at a point that doesn't exist here.
What point is it that I am "ignorantly hammering"?