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Even if it doesn't live up to expectations of the cartoon, I can guarantee more people will download this app than would have without that promotion. How would that be a failure? Unless they spent a ton of time making the cartoon, which they don't mention doing.

Unless they spent a ton of time making the cartoon

I'm thinking that promotional site cost somewhere in the five figure range to produce (perhaps less out of pocket, but if they were charging at their normal billing rates, certainly).

Edit: Crikey, I may be underestimating.

The OP mentions that they spent a lot of time on making the app and putting in the secret movie. But, yes from where I am sitting it may be a success. There was a story on HN a little while ago about how Angry Birds is projected to make $1m/mo on Android from ads alone. There is no way that it would be self sustaining. But who cares? As long as expense < revenue, you've got income and you made money. Look at the million dollar home page or the red paper clip for brilliant examples.

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