Are you lying to your co-workers when you draft an E-Mail to them, read it over, and decide to delete a paragraph or write it again from scratch? If your E-Mail client automatically saves drafts that's basically the equivalent of "rebase".
I made a typo when writing this reply, and pressed backspace to correct it. Is use of the backspace key lying?
I think you're placing a value on "history" that doesn't map onto all users of "rebase", or E-Mail client drafts. A lot of advanced users use it as the equivalent of "save" in an editor, sharing all those intermediate states is more noise than value v.s. crafting a sensible patch once you figure out what you want/what change to make.
No, if you only merge changes then you're just summarizing.
The true problems begin once you start creating commits that represent repository trees that you never tested or reviewed, for example by editing past commits (invalidating any testing you've done of commits after that point), deleting past commits (aside from squashing an unbroken sequence of commits, or deleting them if the squash would result in a no-op), reordering commits, or rebasing commits.
You're assuming that commits are tested before they're made, and that rebase invalidates this. I don't test most of my commits, just like I don't proofread an E-Mail after every word I've written. I do that later.
But yeah, the history you push to a canonical branch should generally be made up of commits that have all been tested in isolation. The rebase command doesn't make this worse, but better, e.g. with "rebase -i --exec='make test'".
I also prune out history of some false steps taken. Have you never written a program and done something like "I'll use a hash here <save><compile><test>, no actually a list makes more sense <save><compile><test> ...". Those intermediate steps are commits for a lot of advanced git users.
Sharing all your mistakes-as-you-go-along with the world doesn't help anyone, I'd typically be sending you a 100 patch merge request for some rather trivial change instead of 1-3 sensible commits.
That kind of rebase is just to refresh your work against updated masters etc. Of course you have to test against the refreshed (rebased) work again!! That doesn't mean you can't rebase. It means you can't randomly push untested work. If you know what rebase means you will understand that there are very likely new interactions with your code and you have to test your updated changeset. Exactly the same as if you merge. You have to retest the resulting tree.
A merge of a branch with N unique commits creates one new, yet-to-be-tested commit/tree. A rebase creates N. I doubt that it's common that people replay all the new history after a rebase and test each new commit/tree.
I made a typo when writing this reply, and pressed backspace to correct it. Is use of the backspace key lying?
I think you're placing a value on "history" that doesn't map onto all users of "rebase", or E-Mail client drafts. A lot of advanced users use it as the equivalent of "save" in an editor, sharing all those intermediate states is more noise than value v.s. crafting a sensible patch once you figure out what you want/what change to make.